Fate Of The Sun King Review

Fate Of The Sun King by Nisha J. Tuli

Series: Artefacts Of Ouranos (Book 3)

Released on June 4, 2024

Pages: 538

My review of the first book Trial Of The Sun Queen can be found here.

And my review of the second book can be found here.


Nooooooooooo! I can't believe it ended like that! Have you been reading a book recently and it's really good and there's been a lot of action and smut but you can see there aren't enough pages left to tie it all up in a happy little bow? Okay so that's a rhetorical question because if you're reading fantasy romance, of course that scenario has played out. And it's no different with this book. I almost threw the book, I was so upset when it ended.

Book 3, Fate of the Sun King is 538 pages of fun for me. It had mystery, multiple POVs from current events to centuries past, humor, smut, danger and great lines. There is a reason Nisha is starting to gather a large fan base and her books are starting to emerge on fan pages and book review vlogs!

I loved this book as much as books one and two and because I had to wait for the release of this one, I know I'll be waiting a bit for the next one.

The characters have become some of my favorites and the main character, Lor has so many flaws and failures that I can't help but feel like I know her. Her pain is something I felt and her love for the people around her made her seem so real. This book sizzled and I truly loved it.

The end though…..I may not forgive Nisha if I have a long wait for book 4!

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