Congratulations & Welcome!
We're so excited that you've decided to adventure in Candlelore. You've made it this far but the adventure is just beginning.
Storefront Membership Perks
The membership perks will stay on the store side of things. When you are logged into your account, you'll be able to access your rewards section as per normal and you'll see the VIP status update reflected there soon. The remainder of things are going to handled on a completely separate membership site. See below.
The Candlelore Legends Website
You'll be receiving an email within the next 10 minutes with your first time login information. If you don't see it within that time-frame be sure to check your spam or promotions folders.
If some reason it still doesn't show up, please email us at
After you have setup your account, you'll also be able to access the site by using
This website is a membership site that will act as the hub for all things related to Legends. The site is password protected to keep things private and exclusive for it's members. Please don't share the login with others. Trust me, things can go sideways fast and it ruins the experience for everyone involved.
When you enter the site you'll see all the material listed on the left hand side.
The tabs on the left are neatly organized and will guide you to the core content, as well as the adventures. We made the site as simple and bare bones as we could to streamline and maximise the experience.
That's all from us here.
Your first quest is to find that email to get started
*Coming Soon*
When the community goes live, it will be very important to go to the 'Contact Us' section and find the link to the private community (it's included in your membership), and make sure you have access. The private community will be the way we communicate with members. We thought about doing a separate email thing, but lets face it, nobody needs even more email, and far too often, it gets delivered to the spam folder when it shouldn't.